Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Development and how to make a world a better place

Development and how to make a world a better place Define development and how it is measuredDevelopment is the process where something has advanced or progressed into a more advanced stage. International Development has the goal that poverty should be reduced. International Development rebuilds an economy that has been ruined or impacts all sort of important factors needed for a nation's well being. This is not a short-term process instead it tries to solve several problems over several decades or more. International Development is usually measured in two different ways. Most people prefer GNP or known as gross national product because it is easier to understand. HDI is another of these measurements of developments and is viewed as more accurate to experts.GNP is more inaccurate because it only gives the average of how much each person has in the nation. It is only an average and extremes like billionaires can overwhelm the poorest people in the country. It is generally known that half the world lives on 2 US dollars everyday.English : 2010 HDI (Very High) nations graph by pop...Perhaps there might be a rich country in GNP merely by the fact that some people are extremely rich and can easily increase the GNP even though the poverty stricken people outnumber the rich.The human development index contains three indexes that partly measure the countries development. Life Expectancy Index, Education Index and GDP Index. Life Expectancy Index shows an average of the maximum amount of years a person can live in the country. Education Index shows how many people are literate and another complicated factor of GEI. GEI is the Gross Enrolment Index. The Gross Enrolment Index combines primary, second and tertiary gross enrolment ratio. According to the Human Development Report Website that is part of the UNDP explained,' The number of students enrolled in a level of education, regardless of age, as a...

Sunday, March 1, 2020

How to Determine a Reading Schedule

How to Determine a Reading Schedule Despite your best efforts, its sometimes difficult to stick with your plan to finish that list of books. Other projects get in the way. You may find yourself overwhelmed by the size of the book youve chosen. You may just let the habit of reading slide or slip until youve forgotten much of theƃ‚  plot and/or characters; and, you feel that you might as well just start over. Heres a solution: Set up a reading schedule to get you through those books! All you need to get started is a pen, some paper, a calendar, and of course, books! How to Set up a Reading Schedule Pick a list of books youd like to read.Determine when you will start reading your first book.Select the order in which youd like to read the books on your reading list.Decide how many pages you will read every day. If youve decided that youll read 5 pages per day, count the number of pages in the book that youve selected to read first.Write the page span (1-5) down on paper next to your selected start date. Its also a great idea to write your schedule up on the calendar, so you can track your reading progress by crossing off the date when youve finished your reading for that day.Continue through the book, tracking where each stopping point will be. You may decide to mark the stopping points in your book with a post-it or pencil mark, so the reading will seem more manageable.As you page through the book, you may decide to alter your reading schedule (add or subtract pages for a particular day), so youll stop and/or start on a new chapter or section of the book.Once youve determined th e schedule for the first book, you can move on to the next book on your reading list. Follow the same process of paging through the book to determine your reading schedule. Dont forget to write the page numbers down next to the appropriate date on a piece of paper and/or on your calendar. Get Outside Support By structuring your reading schedule in this way, you should find it easier to get through those books on your reading list. You can also get your friends involved. Share your schedule with them and encourage them to join you in your reading. Its great fun, youll be able to discuss your reading experience with others! You could even turn this reading schedule into a book club.